Well, today you get a two for one, I have two events that we attended this last week. First on Thursday, Brandon went to his first Valentine party. It was at Sarah Grace and Lena Kate's house. Thanks Tracy for hosting all of us. The Valentine card exchange was a great idea. And the cupcake decorating was very cool too.

Here is Molly, Ruby and Ben.

Kelly with Caleb, Kinley and Erin.

Lindsey with Ben, and Jessica and Braxton.

Mary Avery, Matthew and John Micheal. John Micheal loved that balloon. And Brandon eating his book.
And then Jeremy and I went to the Super Bowl party at Ross and Monica's last night. I only got a couple of pictures, but as usual the guys hibernated in the man cave upstairs and the ladies sat around the kitchen table. The game seemed to be a non-event, and it really did not matter to me which team won. It was good to catch up with the ladies. We had 12 families represented at the party. I enjoy the ladies of our Sunday School class so much for their genuine love for each other. And it is so nice to have close girlfriends to lean on for advice or just chit chat. There was one couple strangely missing from the party and that was Jason and Michelle. I miss you. :>(

Aaron, Billy, Wes, Lindsey, Robert, Matt, Amanda, and Amber filling their plates before kick off.

Stephanie, Brad, Amy S, Amy D, Ben, Jessica, Aaron, Ross, Monica, Matt, Ethan, Billy, Wes, and Robert chatting it up.
Until then...